A new Carmen!
"In only 12 weeks, there's a new Carmen. I'm more confident. Not only have I lost the pounds and inches, but I've gained confidence, a more positive outlook, hope that there's an even brighter, healthier future, and not only will I live a better life, but I'll live an optimal life."
"What I've learned and the hope for now is that life can be even greater and even tastier in so many ways. I'm very excited to start sharing it with family, business partners, and with friends to make an impact in a postive way."
Watch Carmen share her success.
Matt's got a new spring in his step
"I feel way better in every aspect. My confidence level is up in not just my health, but my job and my business and my marriage and playing with my kids - it just feels better. From attitude to my self image to the way that I feel putting on my clothes to the way that I feel getting up. I'm less tired during the day. I'm more focused during the day. I'm more productive. I have a better attitude when I'm walking around the house. I'm getting to enjoy just playing with my kids and just being able to go out there and do the things I need to do without feeling dragged down by my weight."
"There's no doubt that I'll be able to keep up this weight loss because in the past when I've lost any weight or I've gained any muscle, it's all out extreme commitment. Putting in tons of hours of exercise or putting in some kind of a radical diet and this has been something where it's just little changes here or there. I haven't given up anything to do this, I've only gained, and so it's easy to just take that lifestyle change and continue it. It's not something that I've had to add to my life. It's somethign that I've just made the changes that I needed to make in order for me to be better."
Watch Matt's video to find out why he's singing more these days.
Marshall found lasting lifestyle habits
"I came into the NUTRILITE Weight Management Program looking for a lifestyle change, a lifestyle change in the way that I prepared meals and the way that I would eat. A lifestyle change in the way of exercising and also a lifestyle change in the way of just attitude and being able to change those habits. It's a way of life now."
"Moving forward, I know that everything that I'm doing now that I've learned over the 12 weeks is not time intensive, but very effective. So I can carry that on."
See how this former professional football player reclaimed his health and athletic abilities.
Exercise is fun family time for Liz
"The NUTRILITE Weight Management Program has helped me in so many ways. Even just bending down to help my daughter. There's so much less stress on my body."
"As I've gone through the program and had my daughter Nyomi home with me, she'll exercise with me. She has her little bands and she has her little three-pound weights. It's so cute to see her and she'll flip through the book and find the exercises she wants to do and she'll do her little exercises and it totally blesses my heart because it's creating confidence in her. I am setting examples in her life that are going to change her life and make her life so much easier. She'll have other challenges in her life, but weight management will not be a challenge for her."
Listen to Liz share more of her story.
Lisa found success with a comprehensive approach to weight loss
"I have found more personal confidence. I'm standing taller now and I feel better in the clothes that I wear. My energy is high all the time. Movement is easier. The NUTRILITE Weight Management Program isn't the first time that I've tried to lose weight, but to me, my success came because of the comprehensiveness of the NUTRILITE Weight Management Program."
Watch the video to hear Lisa explain her amazing journey.
New energy for Holly
"Before I started the NUTRILITE Weight Management Program, I was tired, just constantly tired, and I would walk up a flight of stairs and I would get to the top of the stairs and I would be exhausted. I was living life waiting to see when I could sleep next."
"For me, the NUTRILITE Weight Management Program represents a lifestyle change. I think a lot of times people are so driven to lose the weight that they're willing to take drastic measures and what happens is, you can't keep that up for the rest of your life. This program is something I can do for the rest of my life."
Watch the video to hear Holly explain her success.
Dorothy lost 20 pounds!
"Through the NUTRILITE Weight Management Program, I've been able to make the changes that I couldn't before. What I've learned is very important to me because it is a total lifestyle change. I don't call it a diet. Diets to me are a quick fix, but only a temporary fix, and then it leads you in the wrong direction. The focus has been on optimal health - to be strong, to be healthy. I've got control in my life and this is what the NUTRILITE Weight Management Program did for me."
Hear Dorothy's story in her own words:
Do your genes determine the type of diet that can help you lose more weight?

Try it for yourself! Take the test, then use the recipes and meal plans that correspond to your results:
If you want to get started right away, you can order the NUTRILITE Trim Body System. The recipes and meal plans follow the same format and you can get used to eating healthier while you wait for your test results. Then, simply switch the meal plan to your identified results!
Chaperoning a trip no excuse for slip-ups!

I packed my exercise bands and jump rope and started every day with exercise on the beach! The sunrise and sound of the surf brought a new dimension to my 4-3-2-1 workouts. It is transportable and effective everywhere we go!
My experience so far helped me to make healthy choices at the restaurants and watch portion control. I also packed my suitcase with NUTRILITE® meal bars, snack bars, and protein shakes to help fill the nutritional gaps of eating out. I journaled my food exchanges every day to help keep myself on track and on top.
I lost three pounds during my week in Hawaii, bringing my total weight loss to 18 pounds! I feel great physically. Emotionally, I am very confident in how I look and thrilled with my accomplishments. The last morning in Hawaii I went running for the first time since last summer. I have a goal to run the Anchorage American Heart Association Heart Run (5K) on April 24 just before we meet back up in California for the end of the A New Way to a New You 12 week wrap-up. It's time to get ready and no better place to run than in Honolulu. I ran four miles! I am so excited. A year ago I primarily walked the 5K and this year I'm in position to run the whole race.
So what is crystal clear to me now? Optimal health depends on diet AND exercise. I've lost weight before but I've never built strength and muscle like I have with the balanced approach of 4-3-2-1 exercise.
Also, I've learned that 1,500 calories a day is quite a bit when you're eating REAL food and not empty calories! Whole grains, fruits and vegetables will really fill you up. The right balance of protein, dairy and 'good' fats will keep you satisfied.
Eating right means eating more for Matt

I now realize that before this program I would wait to eat until I was really hungry (almost starving). Then I'd eat until I was too full or fill up on snacks and junk. Then I'd feel stuffed. Then I'd feel sluggish as my body tried to digest all the food. It is now totally clear that the feast or famine method does NOT work.
With this "diet" I eat tons of food. It's not about eating less, it's about eating less junk and more healthy foods. One of the hardest things was figuring out how to eat everything on the meal plan. Eating everything on the plan is key to health, because I stay full and stay fueled. I never get to the point where I'm "starving" so I never overeat, or fill up on junk, so I feel great. I feel fueled, not stuffed. I feel like a machine, not a pig!
I'm down 31 pounds at this point! I still have a way to go, but I can feel the machine working and it feels great!
Holly on fuel and fitting it all in

I've always enjoyed exercise. What I've realized throughout this process is how much prior planning it takes to get all those workouts in! As well as the extra hours for sleep, I might add.
In terms of dieting, I believe this is a lifestyle change and it has been amazing learning how to combine all the necessary components such as protein, carbs, fat, etc. to give my body the best fuel it needs. It runs a lot better now and life has taken on an energetic edge!
Too focused on the scale? Marshall takes a more holistic approach to health

And to lose the weight, take a crash course in changing behavior for a given period of time. Results are normally temporary at best.
On the A New Way to a New You program, I truly realize that dieting with proper meal planning, weight loss, and exercise are vital to achieve optimal health. Weight loss alone will not accomplish optimal health.
The "aha" moment for me was when I understood that I needed to change my lifestyle, not just my behavior. Changes in my knowledge about optimal health, my values, attitude, priorities, and my behavior have given me a new way of living that I can continue for a lifetime.
One day at a time to a healthy Liz!

Some people are fanatical about keeping their house clean, so much so it stresses them out. This is how I felt about dieting in the past. If I had a day that didn't go exactly as planned then I was stressed out. (No wonder that didn't work, huh?!)
Some people don't take the time to clean their house at all, it's just not a priority. They're just waiting for someone else to clean it! I think this is how I got to the place I was when we started this journey, which led to my weight gain and having future health concerns.
Then there are the people who do a little each day to keep their house clean and prioritize their time to keep their house organized. This is where my shift came.
I want the health, energy, and body that comes from doing something every day. Some days will work out perfectly and others won't but I know that if I do something every day and that is how I live my life, it will never be as bad as it was and will only get easier and become a way of life!
Dorothy: A taste for healthier fare

If I don't make myself a big salad every day, I feel like I'm missing something. Being creative has really helped a lot - there are so many good veggies you can put in a salad. I always buy three colors of peppers, cucumbers, celery, carrots, red cabbage, red onions, flowering kale, spinach, tomatoes, sprouts - anything that looks good to me.
I've figured out that if I do a lot of prep work upfront, loading up on a filling salad is just a matter of grabbing ingredients from the fridge and throwing them together. I cut up enough for a couple of days of salads for the whole family. I'm also getting better with portions. I'm able to eyeball it and I'm reaching for a proper portion without even thinking about it now.
Now that I'm consistently eating better, I'm also less tempted to choose things that aren't as healthy for me. With eating the right proper foods, your body will let you know what's good for you - that was reassuring.
I'm really excited that my daughter Julia also seems to be on board with healthier eating. She's actually asking for salads - it's not something we're having to force on her.
Carmen: Seeing food as fuel

Food has taken on a new definition in terms of weight management. That four-letter word "diet" has now become "fuel". Food = fuel, not cravings, not being forced to eat what we don't like, feeling deprived and then going back to what we "like" which was full of empty calories and/or fat and no energy. What I now "like" and have more taste for, is what's good for me and that is a plate full of colorful fruits and vegetables and right portions throughout the day.
I used to weigh 200 pounds and couldn't go up a flight of stairs without stopping or huffing and only ate about two times a day. Now, 17 pounds lighter and inches off everywhere, I'm running circles around my old ideas of health, food, and exercise and I eat five times a day and and exercise 10-20 minutes per day. (Who would've thought?).
All thanks to this A New Way to a New You program!
Here's a quick snapshot of my losses and gains since mid-February:
Down an additional 10 pounds for a total of 17 pounds since I started.
Down 1% body fat.
Up .3% muscle mass.
Down 2 inches from my arms.
Down 3 inches from my waist.
Down 1.5 inches from my hips.
Matt: Inspired
I've lost almost 30 pounds and I'm inspired to lose more!
I'm down six percent body fat and inspired to get down more.
My endurance and strength are building and I'm inspired to be strong again.
I'm fitting in clothes that I haven't fit into in a long time and I'm inspired to have a whole new wardrobe.
I'm hungry less and feel better and I'm inspired to live at a different level of heath.
Our family has spent time together shopping for healthy foods, fixing healthy meals, enjoying healthy snacks, doing 4-3-2-1, bike riding, taking walks, and dream building and I'm inspired to achieve new levels in our family's health and dreams.
My self image is up, so I'm more productive, more confident, and performing at a higher level. I'm tired less, so I'm alert and at the top of my game more often. I'm very focused on changing my health, but at the same time I'm seeing better results in my professional life and I'm inspired to achieve new levels of prosperity.
My wife Blakely has been a tremendous support. I couldn't have made it this far without her. She is doing a ton of the shopping, food preparation, and packing food for me to take when I leave the house. She is a huge encouragement and motivator for me. I am looking better and stronger and I'm inspired to be more of the man she deserves!
I'm learning so much about optimal health and optimal living and I'm inspired to learn more. I'm inspired to be greater and make a greater impact in the lives of people with whom I come into contact.
Carmen: Encouraged
This is the halfway mark for our A New Way to a New You participants. Six weeks down and six weeks to go. We asked each of them to share one word that describes their current state of mind and what they hope that word will be after the next six weeks. Carmen's word is ENCOURAGED.My response is encouraged.
It was unimaginable for me that I could lose weight, be stronger and fit, and on my way to my optimal health without starving, not slaving away hours at the gym, and fit it all into an already busy schedule.
Oh, what a relief 4-3-2-1 and A New Way to a New You is! Dr. Duke Johnson's book is also mind-blowing!
At the end of the 12 weeks, my word will be TRANSFORMED because I’ll have a new life and I’ll have new habits. I’ll have more optimal health habits that’ll last a lifetime and will give me more life – I’ll live longer probably because of all of this and if that’s not transformation I don’t know what is.
Liz: Self

This is a change for me and even challenging to write because in the past it felt SELFish.
Self-Discipline: Food prep is a huge part. If I'm not prepared that's when decisions are made that don't support my goals. Simple.
Self-Love: The more I am able to take the time to slow down, breathe and make sure I am taking care of myself, the easier it is to love and take care of the people in my life.
Self-Awareness: When I hit a rough spot my tendency is to start negatively talking to myself. I now see that and I'm replacing it with all the things I am doing right! It's an amazing, huge difference in my life. One thing that Dorothy said when we were in California together was a phrase she repeats to herself ... "Dear God, more you, less me." I love this and it has stuck with me in my journey.
I am hoping the word that best describes my journey at the end of this 12-week progam is INSPIRING by helping others decide to make healthy changes in their life!
Dorothy: Commitment

I choose my new life to be the best I can be. I want optimal health and along with that, a strong trim body full of energy and excitement for the future.
I think my word at the end of 12 weeks will still be COMMITMENT. I'm able to handle everything better, so I believe the commitment will still be there.
I knew that I wasn’t going to be at my ideal weight or fitness level in 12 weeks. I knew that I’d be well on the road to getting there but I want to stay on that road. When I do get to my optimal weight and health, I want to keep it.
Lisa: Strong

I have learned so much about my health, fitness, food, exercise and more. I put it into practice every day. I am stronger today than six weeks ago - physically and emotionally. I am able to make decisions and take action when I would have caved in the past.
My attitude about exercise has evolved 180 degrees - I look forward to exercising and how great I feel about my accomplishments both physically and emotionally. It is a tremendous achievement for me. Following the 4-3-2-1 and Trim Body System plans have been critical. I have a plan that is credible and simple; products that are delicious and effective - and they work for me! I am a winner by all accounts! :)
My goal now is to finish the next six weeks stronger in all areas! My word at the end of the next six weeks will be CONFIDENT. Confident in myself, my health and fitness, and my ability to inspire and share with others.
Holly: Humbly Educated

In terms of exercise, I now realize that intensity in short amounts of time can be just as effective if not more so in terms of keeping my body in shape. I've learned that regular exercise is important, it doesn’t take much and can be done anywhere.
At the end of the next six weeks I would hope that my phrase is COMPLETELY CHANGED - meaning this will have become a lifestyle change, not just an experience. That is going to take some discipline which I am excited about!
I would have to say my choice of word for the first two to three weeks would have been "shell-shocked" because it was such a whirlwind with learning how to prepare meals, but for someone who is worried about that, the time component drops way off!
Marshall: Encouraged

Six weeks ago, I was hitting and missing on exercising. I had no consistency and no solid plan for fitness. I believe I was exercising out of guilt. (What I should have been doing but wasn’t doing it.) My eating habits were based on convenience of time and convenient food choices. Exercising and eating properly were not priorities. That was demonstrating that my health was not a priority.
I changed my priorities. Below my faith, my health has the highest priority. Without good health, I would not have much to offer my family and friends. I have been provided with a sound meal plan, a sound and solid fitness plan, instructions and guidance on how to create a workable lifestyle for optimal health.
At the end of the next six weeks, my word will be Encouraged. Achieving my goals over the twelve weeks will prove to me that better health through a better lifestyle is possible for most if not all. I am encouraged that with a proven plan, proper efforts and the discipline to stay committed to the plan, most, if not all can achieve better health.
"We cannot go back into our past and have a new start. But anybody can start now and have a new ending." - Author Unknown
Carmen and Dorothy: measuring success in pounds and inches after five weeks

After five weeks, Carmen has lost 14 pounds, making her current weight 186 pounds.
At one point during the five weeks, I was starting to plateau in weight loss, so I started skipping a meal bar here or there on the plan to hopefully speed things up. I found out that probably wasn’t the way to go when I talked to A New Way to a New You dietician Julianne Downes.
She said because the workouts are intensifying, I really need to be eating all of the calories as prescribed by the plan. By me not eating anything, she thinks my body went into a sort of starvation mode and was actually trying to hold onto weight. The lesson learned for me was that I thought I’d lose more by eating less than what the plan called for, but the opposite was actually true, so I now I’m following the plan exactly and the weight seems to be coming off again.
One of the things that I keep thinking about – and this is a big lesson for me – is that food is fuel. That means it’s not a reward, it’s not consolation, even when you’re feeling down, that’s not the purpose of food.
I’ve also learned that I can really get a full workout in less time than I ever thought I could. Before I thought you had to spend at least an hour at the gym to see any type of results, but the 4-3-2-1 workout that we do has really showed me that if you have 10 minutes, you can get an effective workout in. I’ve actually seen faster results with a shorter workout because I’m working out at a harder intensity and I’m actually doing it. Before when I didn’t have a whole hour, I would just set the whole workout aside. Now I can do it all in my living room with an exercise band and ball.
Inspiring images: Carmen working out in her living room and a healthy meal she whipped up from the meal plan - look at all those veggies!
After five weeks, Dorothy has lost 20 pounds, making her current weight 210 pounds.
I’ve lost 28 inches off various parts of me! It’s a whole meltdown. It’s like it’s all melting off the entire body and that to me is very exciting. It's so exciting because you know if you can lose one pound or one inch, it doesn't matter what your goal is, you're going to get there. I just need to keep doing a little bit every day and just try to not lose faith. Here’s the breakdown of inches lost:
1 ½ inches off my upper chest
2 ½ inches off the bust
3 inches off my ribcage
3 inches from my waist
2 inches from my stomach
3 inches in my hips
1 ½ inches from the tops of both thighs
1 inch above each knee
1 inch from each calf
½ inch from each ankle
½ inch off each wrist
½ inch from each forearm
1 ½ inches from each upper arm
The old me used to live to eat and now I eat to live. It’s nice to know that if I really do need to fill up, if I’m feeling a little bit of anxiety or hunger, there are some free foods such as cucumbers that I can munch and crunch on. Yesterday, I needed to munch and crunch so I made a little bit bigger salad with more veggies thrown in. The longer I chew my food, the more satisfied my brain feels.
I’m finding if I feel really rushed at meals, I don’t really feel as satisfied. There’s something about that enjoyment and knowing that I’m nourishing my body. Before, when I would feel under stress for a deadline or I had a whole bunch of things going on, I would turn to food. Now I’m not turning to food at all, so that’s been really evolving for me.
Matt and Liz: 38 pounds and dropping

The second week in, I had to deal with a kidney stone. I spent most of the week in either doctor's offices or the hospital, so I didn't lose any weight that week. I couldn't exercise, but I was able to stick to the meal plans.
That made me realize that a huge benefit of being on the program is that I only had good stuff to eat in my house, so sticking to healthy eating was pretty easy.The third week, I was able to pick up my workouts and just this past week I started doing two sets of 4-3-2-1. I'm playing with my boys a whole lot more. I went for a walk around the neighborhood with my three-year-old and I actually didn't feel like I was going to be out of breath. It was fun to walk with him and feel good at the end.
I think when you're mentally making healthy decisions, it leads you to subconsciously make other healthy decisions.
With diets in the past, I accomplished them because I got really committed and worked really hard at them, but when the commitment waned or I lost interest, I stopped. With the A New Way to a New You program, it just feels like my habits are changing. This is a "diet" that I can do and a way I can continue to live the rest of my life.

After five weeks, Liz has lost 11 pounds, making her current weight 198 pounds.
This is most definitely a lifestyle change and because of my history with yo-yo dieting, I'm really looking at it as a lifestyle change. Just going for the fruits and vegetables first is a huge, huge part of it.
A couple of weeks ago I got sick. In the past when I'd get sick, it would always end with this terrible hacking, dry cough. This time I didn't have that cough and it's the first time in my life that I haven't had that cough and I really think it's the fruits and vegetables and eating real food instead of a bunch of processed junk. It’s totally incredible.
Up until now, I've made sure my four-year-old daugher Nyomi was eating right and I'd eat the quick fix. I would say I tend to put other people before myself, which can be a gift, but it's also a challenge IF you also don't take care of yourself.
For example, I haven't been to a doctor in the last four years and I'm realizing how important it is to get my "health team" together. So I'm lining up a new doctor, which in itself is a lifestyle change because I never wanted to go to the doctor, but I'm learning that there has to be a balance and a concentrated focus on my health.
It's funny because people are definitely noticing that something is different about me, but they'll usually ask if I did something to my hair. I've been trying on summer dresses that fit again and that feels great. It's amazing that such a small amount of weight could make such a big difference. It's so exciting.
We have trips planned this summer and we have our 10-year wedding anniversary in July, so those are my motivators for staying on track. I'm really looking forward to taking Nyomi to water parks this summer. I really want to go to the waterslides with her and not feel like I have to wear this full cover-up swimsuit so I don't scare people away! I don't want to have to think about that when I'm there and I know I'm on my way to being a size where I won't have to worry about it.
"Inspired and encouraged" at five weeks

After five weeks, it feels like I am definitely getting more fit. I upped the intensity of my workouts to more cardio and strength exercises with less rest in between. The cardio is much stronger and I feel stronger throughout my body, which helps me get through the workouts, which I couldn’t have done at the beginning. So, that’s been a great sense of accomplishment.
People are starting to notice. They say they can see weight loss in my face and I’ve been noticing more definition. I feel stronger in my posture and even in my walk.
It makes you feel more comfortable with yourself. I was getting a little self-conscious because my body was beginning to take on a different shape. Now my clothes are fitting much better so that gives me more confidence and more self-acceptance.
Following the plan has been an adjustment, but it hasn’t been a problem. The priority I’ve placed on it won’t allow me to let it be a problem. The more I get into the meal plan, the more I’m enjoying it. The more I get into the fitness program, the more I’m enjoying it. It’s becoming a part of my day and I can see the change in lifestyle taking place.
It is very inspiring and encouraging to see what I have been doing and the results that I have been getting and understanding that I can reorganize and make adjustments to the way I’ve been living to continue living like the A New Way to a New You program is designed.
It’s not just something that I am doing. It’s not a separate entity anymore. I am striving to learn as much as I can to program this into my day and my week and make the necessary adjustments to organize my life and incorporate the meal planning and fitness into my life in a way I wasn’t doing before.

I've pretty much lost a pound or two each week. I'd like it to go faster, but it is going in the right direction and that's a good thing.
I went through a plateau around the third week, so I quit weighing myself every day and went to once a week. I've really focused on how my clothes fit and I'm measuring my progress in my workouts too. I can do a few more push-ups each week than I could do the week before. I can extend my intervals on the heat (cardio) portion of the 4-3-2-1 a little longer than I could the week before.
It's very exciting - I'm into the smallest pair of jeans that I have!
I've been working out with my daugthers Rachel and Becca. My 12-year-old Becca told me the day after a workout that it hurt to sit down and this is the girl that's been playing basketball and is very active. We laugh and we have a lot of fun doing it so it's been a great family time for us. A significan turning point for me just this past week was realizing that I was looking forward to going and doing my workout. Over the past four weeks I never thought 'I don't want to do this,' but now I'm looking forward to working out and that's a significant change in my mental attitude.
From a shopping standpoint, the first couple weeks getting my shopping list together was incredibly hard. I never had been that organized and to have menus and recipes and to put all that together, it was a big task to do that. Weeks three, four and five have really been so much easier because I have the staples in my kitchen now. When I shop, I'm just replenishing the fruits and vegetables, and proteins. That first week I probably had five hours into understanding the meal plan and understanding the recipes and another three hours of shopping. Now, it's 30 minutes putting together my shopping list and probably less than an hour at the store.
Lisa ending a workout with her 15-year-old daughter Rachel.
After five weeks, Holly has lost eight pounds, making her current weight 149 pounds.
One of the biggest things I notice when I'm losing weight is that my rings slide off and they're starting to do that.
Honestly, I wish I would have dropped more weight by now, but the blog going live was the biggest motivator ever. I needed that extra boost when all the "before" interviews went up.
You can do the 4-3-2-1 anywhere, even if you're traveling. That has been really exciting because I've never had that benefit with exercise before. I've always felt like I have to go to the gym to get a good workout, but with the bands and just the minimal equipment you need for the 4-3-2-1, you can get a really good workout.
I got down to a different pant size. We went for a walk and my pants were sagging on me pretty bad, so I tried on a smaller size and I went from a size 8 to a size 6 in one of the brands that I buy, so that was exciting.
Down on the farm ...

Here, they truly learned what NUTRILITE means when they say from “seed to serving” and that it’s not just a clever marketing message. NUTRILITE is the only global vitamin and mineral brand to grow, harvest, and process plants on their own certified organic farms. Many of the plants grown are used in the making of NUTRILITE supplements and are always grown in accordance with nature.
For example, Farm Supervisor Pete DeBus (in the cowboy hat above) shared some creepy, crawly friends that respectively are used to control pests that could disturb the plants on the farm and whose underground travels improve the quality of the soil. Introducing ...
some lovely ladybugs to control hungry, plant-destroying aphids, and ...
a handful of earthworms, a.k.a nature's tunnel diggers, who keep the soil from being compacted by providing underground passageways to let air and water circulate - important because soil microorganisms and plant roots need air and water.

A demonstration by Senior Farm/Garden Technician Amanda Hennerty on organic pest control and composting methods used at the farm. Everybody can bring organic farming to their gardens with compost tea, an organic agricultural practice used on the farms in which liquid is used to extract all of the microorganisms from compost. The resulting "tea" is slurped up by the soil and plants, resulting in better health for both.
Our A New Way to A New You group also met Frank Serna, who has a road named after him at the farm in honor of over 50 years of dedicated service. Frank walked everybody through NUTRILITE founder Carl Rehnborg's original on-site lab/research facility/living quarters that he and his family stayed in when Nutrilite was in its infancy. Supplement manufacturing used to be a much more hands-on process, with workers encapsulating powdered ingredients from the farm into ready-to-swallow capsules.
Carl Rehnborg worked tirelessly to bring the first multivitamin to the masses, and his innovative spirit and drive still infuses the culture of NUTRILITE, with everyone from farm supervisors to research scientists continually striving to find the next big idea in nutrition science and make it a reality.
All of the NUTRILITE farms operate on principles that are a direct result of Carl Rehnborg's original vision. By owning and maintaining their own farms, NUTRILITE ensures that the ingredients used in the manufacture of their supplements are of the highest quality.
As an Amway Global Independent Business Owner, Carmen has used NUTRILITE products for many years, but visiting the farm was an eye-opener for her.
"I've always been proud and confident in our NUTRILITE products and brand. To see the integrity in every single step of the process from seed to finished product arriving to our doorsteps is awe-inspiring and a blessing. It builds a commitment to spread the word everywhere, every day because we know we are giving the very best for them (our customers) and their families."

Dorothy discovers discipline and loses eight pounds!

Because the plan is structured, I really enjoyed following it – I didn’t need to guess what I should be having or when I should be having it. It was laid out for me, which I really appreciated. I’ve always been a duplicator and not an innovator. That’s why I’ve been battling my weight for 20 years. I can follow a plan, just don’t make me think it up myself!
I love that the recipes are simple and that they’re things I can get right at the grocery store, without worrying about it being some exotic dish I had to make. I’m only cooking one meal for my family and the recipes are quick and tasty – everybody agreed. Plus, we’re eating way more vegetables than we ever did before. I did not feel deprived. Usually with diets, you feel like you can’t have certain things and I didn’t feel like that. It was hard to fit it all in some days because I was eating so many vegetables!
I also really enjoyed getting back in the habit of working out. Before it was hit or miss, because I never deemed it a priority, so there’s something great about a commitment to your own goals and bringing in a huge amount of discipline into my own life. I really appreciated putting the discipline on myself. That was a real control feeling for me.
First week encouragement from Carmen

My only challenge was carrying my homemade meals with me to work and to meetings at night because there are more meals than I was previously used to in the day, so I started having the dinner as lunch and vice versa and that way, had less to carry and eat in the car or right before our evening meetings.
The meals are easy and quick to prepare which is a blessing given our nonstop lifestyles. Overall, the first week was much easier than anticipated. Great start and an encouraging one for a lifestyle change.
Also, I've noticed I have more "arm" room in my suit and jacket sleeves and I’m somewhat lighter around the waist!
Matt on setting healthy habits for the next generation

It’s crazy to be on a “diet” and be more full than when I wasn’t on a diet, but that’s how I feel following the program. Part of it’s just eating all the stuff that’s on the meal plans. With the small snacks in between the bigger meals, I’m not starving when it comes to mealtime. I’m ready to eat, but I don’t feel like I need to eat everything!
Before, I barely ate any breakfast and I’d eat a larger lunch and dinner. I used to get really tired after lunch, but with the new system, I don’t feel like I’m getting tired after lunch.
I’m excited about creating different habits for my sons. We were eating out so much, always eating fast food, so it’s fun to cook with the boys. They’re definitely learning how to be healthy from the start and they’ll definitely understand that health is important.
In terms of exercise, the first week was fun. Ten minutes doesn’t take that long and it’s amazing how much you feel the ten minutes at work on your body. At the end of the week, I did a 4-3-2-1 session and then I went and swam – it was awesome to have my muscles remember what a workout felt like.
Liz overcomes "portion distortion" and discovers her culinary side

I have never been one for scales so I'm not sure on my weight loss, but I can already tell that my clothes are fitting better and I feel more confident. I am so excited to be on this path. I look at this opportunity like a visit to the chiropractor. If something is outta whack you go in for an adjustment and are shown ways to help your body maintain that adjustment. And I would say that is exactly what I have gotten so far!
Learn more about why eating in full color is important for good health!
Holly's first week: Fitting it all in and seeing progress on the scale

The plan has been totally easy to follow and as I get better at preparing ahead, it gets even easier. So far, I have been sticking right to the plan, so no creativity or exchanges yet, but definitely in the future. It has been amazing in just seven short days how much we have learned in terms of what can be done with veggies alone such as the soy sauce with the Beef Stir Fry… that was totally like having Chinese food!
Ahhh, physical changes… for sure, a ton more energy. I seem to be a bit more tired now due to the increase in exercise but overall the increase in iron and clean eating has made a tremendous difference already! So far, I have lost four pounds but more importantly my clothes are getting loose (especially I noticed that in a pair of pajama pants, that had been getting tight… now, totally loose!) and my rings are getting loose as well. And a pair of knee high dress boots, those also zipped up easier the other day… I say that because I appear to store fat evenly distributed over my body so I have noticed all kinds of little things like that … very exciting!
Exercise has been going well, I was able to stick with the 10 minutes a day for the first days and now I look forward to increasing my workouts. Saturday was the first day I was able to make it to the YMCA and that was awesome (I do a BodyPump class there, but haven’t been back since November!).
For the first week, a few challenges were 1.) learning how to get a handle on preparing (fitting this into our life), 2.) sleep (in terms of getting enough) and due to the lack of gracefulness I seem to possess, 3.) I rolled my ankle. I know, totally embarrassing… but it got better quickly, I just had to use lots of ice!
New habits forming for Lisa

We were all certainly stretched to include more veggies and fruits. It’s a new habit which we’re committed to carry through. I followed the meal plan every day. I had to sub a couple fruits/veggies because I could not find them in Alaska. I was not hungry at all. Focusing on whole grains, fruits and veggies has really filled me up – plus SLIMMETRY and INVISIFIBER make a difference. I moved every day. My son made a special trip to the gym so he could work out with me on Monday. My daughter worked out both Saturday afternoons with me. We were sweating and laughing as we did 4-3-2-1 times two following Sean Foy's book.
My waistbands are feeling loose and I feel great!
Marshall's first week: Prepare and implement for results


Welcome to A New Way to a New You! This is a blog about seven people who are trying to change their lives, one bite and one step at a time.
They were brought together to participate in the 12-week A New Way to a New You program developed by NUTRILITE®, the world’s leading brand of vitamins, minerals, and dietary supplements. The program is designed to help people lose pounds and inches in a safe, healthy way.
It's a chance to focus on nutrition, exercise, supplementation, and overall health, with the ultimate goal of making lasting lifestyle changes so that the participants’ battle with weight will be their last. The seven people selected are people just like you, with demanding jobs, families, and commitments, but they’ve pledged to fully commit to the plan set before them.
They've been on the program for about four weeks, and will continue for another eight weeks. They're following recipes and meal plans developed in accordance with the nutritional guidelines of the Nutrilite Health Institute, working out with an exercise plan developed by Sean Foy, Lead Fitness Consultant for the Nutrilite Center for Optimal Health, and using NUTRILITE supplements to complement their eating plans and further their weight-loss goals. You can follow along at home by using the NUTRILITE Trim Body System.
So, without further ado, take a minute to meet the seven brave souls who have agreed to share their weight loss and healthy lifestyle journey with you! Meet Carmen, Dorothy, Holly, Lisa, Liz, Marshall, and Matt by checking out their profile pages and "before" videos on the navigation to the right. Stay tuned this week and next as we show you how their first week on the program went and follow along for the rest of their experience.