Exercise is fun family time for Liz

In 12 weeks, Liz Morales lost 20 pounds using the NUTRILITE Weight Management Program.

"The NUTRILITE Weight Management Program has helped me in so many ways. Even just bending down to help my daughter. There's so much less stress on my body."

"As I've gone through the program and had my daughter Nyomi home with me, she'll exercise with me. She has her little bands and she has her little three-pound weights. It's so cute to see her and she'll flip through the book and find the exercises she wants to do and she'll do her little exercises and it totally blesses my heart because it's creating confidence in her. I am setting examples in her life that are going to change her life and make her life so much easier. She'll have other challenges in her life, but weight management will not be a challenge for her."

Listen to Liz share more of her story.

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