
Lisa has struggled with weight her whole life and remembers going from “chubby” kid sizes directly into women’s sizes as she got older.

A mom to three kids between the ages of 12 and 18, she’s lost weight in the past, but once she had her first child, the weight gradually kept creeping up, settling at her starting weight of 185 lbs.

“The weight stayed on because it never was a priority for me to be in control of my exercise, and it was also bad eating habits. It was too easy to just grab something and run.”

Lisa is excited that the A New Way to a New You program is all mapped out for her with easy-to-follow recipes and meal plans and a simple, fast approach to fitness.

“This has not been an easy thing to do my whole life and it’s only going to get harder as I get older. I am so excited about this as an opportunity to change the patterns and do something different.”

See Lisa’s “before” video