Matt's got a new spring in his step

In 12 weeks, Matt Cunningham lost 37 pounds and over 11% body fat on the NUTRILITE Weight Management Program.

"I feel way better in every aspect. My confidence level is up in not just my health, but my job and my business and my marriage and playing with my kids - it just feels better. From attitude to my self image to the way that I feel putting on my clothes to the way that I feel getting up. I'm less tired during the day. I'm more focused during the day. I'm more productive. I have a better attitude when I'm walking around the house. I'm getting to enjoy just playing with my kids and just being able to go out there and do the things I need to do without feeling dragged down by my weight."

"There's no doubt that I'll be able to keep up this weight loss because in the past when I've lost any weight or I've gained any muscle, it's all out extreme commitment. Putting in tons of hours of exercise or putting in some kind of a radical diet and this has been something where it's just little changes here or there. I haven't given up anything to do this, I've only gained, and so it's easy to just take that lifestyle change and continue it. It's not something that I've had to add to my life. It's somethign that I've just made the changes that I needed to make in order for me to be better."

Watch Matt's video to find out why he's singing more these days.


Anonymous said...

Way to go Matt!

MattCunningham said...

Thanks. So excited about helping other people now.